


2017年5月18日 — You're wise with spending on things you need and do not need. You don't spend money foolishly ( on random items ).


In terms of money; monetarily; financially. Quitting stock-market speculation was the greatest decision I ever made, moneywise.


moneywise: In terms of money ; financially speaking.


In terms of money; financially speaking. more. Grammar and declension of moneywise.


2016年7月19日 — Money wise or money-wise means wise about money. Moneywise means on the subject of money or concerning money. He was very money- ...

moneywise, adv. meanings, etymology and more

moneywise is formed within English, by derivation. Etymons: money n., ‑wise comb. form.

moneywise, money-wise, or money wise?

2015年12月28日 — I would like to use one of these in a title to convey that someone is good (frugal, or otherwise wise) with their money.

What does moneywise mean?

Being moneywise typically involves being mindful of one's income, expenses, debts, assets, and overall financial goals and making decisions that are beneficial ...

What is another word for money

What is another word for money-wise? ; shrewd · financially adept ; financially knowledgeable · financially savvy ; financially shrewd · financially skilled.

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Wise PC 1stAid 1.48 自動修復電腦的疑難雜症
